Hello and welcome to the Winter Newsletter for Whashton Parish. Hopefully you’ll find this latest issue an interesting read, and please do send any feedback on the contents and suggestions for future issues. |
1. 100 Club – Winners to-date in 2025
January: 88 - Nicola & Liam, 47 - Lynne Taylor, 85 - Hazel Leah
February: 85 - Hazel Leah, 66 - Ruth Bernard, 99 - Ed Ford
Congratulations to the winners, thanks to those who have recently joined, and a plea to anyone yet to participate, to contact Richard and join up and help support the Parish funds (rg.osborne777@gmail.com). This would be at a proportionate amount for the remainder of 2025. Thanks as ever to Richard for running the 100 Club.
2. Financial Update from our Treasurer, John Moore
The finances of WPM comprise a number of itemised 'pots' of money. These 'pots' relate to specific activities as agreed over the years at AGMs. In the current financial year 2024/25 overall income will broadly match overall spend BUT the position becomes more challenging in future years. We will reach a position where the net proceeds of the 100 Club, based on the current number of balls purchased, will be insufficient to fund the costs of the core activities. These include insurance, website and hire of venues for meetings. Whilst the 'pots' of money for future social activities, environmental improvements and maintenance of the Defibrillator are adequate, the level of voluntary contributions towards the cost of grass cutting was disappointing, with only 5 households contributing. Looking ahead therefore the level of support for the 100 Club plus voluntary donations towards grass cutting will be critical to sustaining the current level of WPM activity. A full analysis of the financial position, along with the Budget for 2025/26 will be presented at the AGM scheduled on 4th June.
A recent audit of the grass cutting equipment has meant that there is a surplus lawnmower and this can be taken by any resident to keep, for a contribution towards the grass cutting fund…..contact John.
3. Social Events
Thanks to Kathryn we will of coure hold our annual BBQ on Saturday July 5th, which will generate funds for our defibrillator.
A Timely Reminder: The Value of Our Village Defibrillator
The week before Christmas brought an important reminder of the value of having a defibrillator in our village. Little Bertie Leah, from Colmarton, had been under the weather all weekend when he suddenly suffered a febrile seizure caused by a dangerously high temperature. Finding him fitting on the floor, his family quickly called an ambulance. The first question the ambulance dispatcher asked was, “Is someone able to get the defibrillator?” Thankfully, it wasn’t needed on this occasion, but the ambulance was delayed, taking over half an hour to arrive due to being out of the area. Had this been a heart attack, the outcome could have been very different. Studies show that in the event of a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces the chances of survival by 7–10%. Immediate use of a defibrillator can increase survival rates by up to 70%. In rural areas, where ambulances may take longer to arrive, having quick access to a defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death. This incident reminds us how vital it is to have this life-saving equipment on hand. It’s a resource we hope we’ll never need, but one we’re incredibly fortunate to have. Let’s all make sure we know where the defibrillator is and how to access it—because it really could save a life.
4. Biodiversity Projects
4.1 Whashton Parish – update from Sally Zaranko
There will be ongoing maintenance to support biodiversity on Bobby's Bank and at the back of the green this year. This will entail cutting back dead grass so bulbs planted last year can come up and this will be done soon with the newly purchased brush cutter. Some clearance of dead vegetation will also take place at the back of the green and planting of replaced saplings (home grown) where necessary. Bird boxes have been checked and cleared prior to the nesting season. Bulbs at the edges of the green are coming up and the snowdrops are putting on a good show again this year.
Thanks to Rosie & Bill for offering to help with Bobby's Bank garden area.
There is always a pressing need for additional volunteers so please get in touch if you are able to help in any way…..many thanks Sally & Tad.
4.2 Holmedale Nature Network (HNN)
The HNN has been granted the status of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation by the Charity Commission (https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/en/charity-search/-/charity-details/5257540). This is great news and means that we can now apply for grant funding to progress our work to improve the biodiversity of Holmedale.
Over the past year the HNN has been busy maintaining the environment throughout Holmedale , and this includes work in Whashton. Tree maintenance has been undertaken to support Paul Bernard’s plantation, removal of Himalayan Balsam at Whashton Bridge, and hedge planting undertaken at Sturdy House Lane.

Sally Zaranko and Andy Ratcliffe hard at work removing Himalayan Balsam in Whashton. |

John Moore & Lizzie Rumble take a break from hedge planting on Sturdy House Lane in the fog. |
There are many HNN events this year and over the coming months we have the following scheduled, and everyone is welcome to attend.
Managing gardens & community green spaces for invertebrates, a talk by Rachel Richards, Buglife, ‘If invertebrates were to disappear, the world’s ecosystems would collapse.’ Sir David Attenborough. Monday 17th February, 7:30pm, Dalton & Gayles Village Hall, £2 donation.
Birdsong Workshop, led by Andrew Lapworth. Interactive session suitable for children (12+) covering the why, how, when and where of birdsong and equips you to enjoy the glorious sounds of birds. Tuesday 25thFebruary, 10:30am-12:30pm, Barningham Village Hall, £5 donation. Booking required. holmedalenaturenetwork@gmail.com or 07984 756080
Helping hedgehogs, a talk by Nicki Lancaster, sharing her experiences and footage of the hedgehogs she has looked after in her garden. Monday 3rd March, 7:30 to 8:30pm, Newsham Village Hall. £2 donation.
Wilding, a film about the rewilding of the Knepp Castle Estate, Friday 11th April, 7:30pm, Barningham Village Hall.
Updates on all activities at: www.whashtonparish.co.uk/holmedale
We are now actively seeking project ideas from all residents across Holmedale and we also need more volunteers to help deliver. Please get in touch with your ideas and offer to help (holmedalenaturenetwork@gmail.com or 07984 756080).
5. Planning Applications
A number of proposed developments in Whashton are at various stages, including Whashton Farmhouse, Whashton Farm Buildings, Rose Cottage and Cherry Tree Cottage. Further information is
available on North Yorkshire Council's Planning Portal……. www.northyorks.gov.uk/planning-and-conservation/view-and-comment-planning-applications
Whashton Parish Meeting Committee continues to seek assurance from the Planning Department and Highways North Yorkshire that Construction Management Plans for the proposed developments will be coordinated, in a ‘joined up’ manner, to minimise disruption.
6. Highways
Now that Winter is here, the risk of flooding, blocked drains and gullies, fallen branches, etc has increased, as we’ve all seen recently. Please note that should any such problem be seen, please report it to North Yorkshire Council through their website….. www.northyorks.gov.uk/roads-parking-and-travel/roads-and-pavements
7. Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be held on Wednesday 4th June, starting at 19:00h in Dalton & Gayles Village Hall. Please put the date in your diary and come along to this important meeting and have your say on all things Whashton!
8. Other News
Sadly, Avril Clarke passed away in October, and is very much missed in the Parish and beyond. Andy Kerr, her neighbour and life-long friend has taken ill and is currently in hospital; we wish him well and if anyone wants an update please contact Jane Connors by e-mail.
There are many residents who contribute to our community, including those who maintain the Village Green, manage the Biodiversity Projects, administer the financial affairs and the website, run the 100 Club and Social Events and much more……. Thanks to all.
There remains a vacancy for a Parish Clerk and I would urge someone to take up this important role.
Ian Mains
Chair, Whashton Parish Meeting
16th February 2025
T: 07484-725377