Hello and welcome to the Summer Newsletter for Whashton Parish. Hopefully you’ll find this latest issue an interesting read, and please do send any feedback on the contents and suggestions for future issues.

1. 100 Club – Winners to-date in 2024
January: 6 Jenny Bernard, 13 Heather Hutchinson, 63 Jonathan Nesham
February: 7 Tad Zaranko, 4 Len Hutchinson, 47 Lynne Taylor
March: 98 Paul Bernard, 4 Len Hutchinson, 23 Sally Zaranko
April: 68 Sue Brenkley, 44 Janet Clipsham, 30 Sharon Turnbull
May: 95: Adrian MacDonald, 68 Sue Brenkley, 46 Dirk Pittaway
June: 55 Sean Connors, 51 Alyson Pittaway, 30 Sharon Turnbull
July: 80 Graham & Hazel Dickinson, 6 Jennie Bernard, 44 Janet Clipsham
August: 36 Sue Amery, 14 Catherine Brenkley, 12 Yvonne Waite
Congratulations to the winners and a plea to anyone yet to participate, to contact Richard and join up and help support the Parish funds (rg.osborne777@gmail.com). This would be at a proportionate amount for the remainder of 2024. Thanks as ever to Richard for running the 100 Club.
2. Social Events
The annual barbecue was held on the Village Green on Saturday 6th July and 52 residents and guests enjoyed a fabulous afternoon. Many thanks to Kathryn, Hazel, Michael, Christine & Robert for organising and helping run the event, which also raised £196.95 towards the upkeep of the defibrillator located in the Village.

A quiz night for all residents in Holmedale is planned for Saturday 28th September, starting at 19:00h in Dalton & Gayles Village Hall. The Quiz is in aid of Whashton Village Green maintenance and teams of up to 6 are invited at £5/person. Bring your own food and drink and a raffle will be held at the interval. Further details and tickets can be obtained as follows :-
Rob Clipsham
Lantern Cottage, Whashton
Quoits………don’t forget that every Thursday at 19:00h all are welcome to come and play on the Village Green, and if you’d like to play at other times please contact Kathryn or John.
3. Biodiversity Projects
3.1 Whashton Parish
A biodiversity report prepared by Rachel Roberts of Bug Life and Sally was recently issued which concluded that the local flora is responding well to ‘rewilding’ of parts of the Village. This has provided advice on management and species enrichment which benefits pollinators, other wildlife and of course people ! Work was recently undertaken by Sally, Tad and John on Bobby’s Bank and further work is planned in the Autumn. Further details will be issued shortly and feedback from residents will be obtained. For more information on Whashton’s Biodiversity Projects please visit …. Holmedale Nature Network | My Site (whashtonparish.co.uk)
3.2 Holmedale Nature Network
The Trustees of HNN are in the process of applying to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) with the Charity Commission. The purpose of this is to introduce effective governance for the HNN and to facilitate grant applications for the various projects being planned. We have been very active during June and July tackling invasive Himalayan Balsam, primarily in Newsham and Dalton which are at the top of the Holmedale watercourse. Nearly 40 volunteers have joined in balsam pulling, including sessions at Whashton and Gilling West next to road bridges where further transmission of seeds around the local area could result if the plants were not removed. North Yorkshire Council and the MOD have also provided support. As the seed pods are now ripening, the pulling season is over and efforts will shift to further survey work to map the extent of spread. This will help with planning next year’s removal priorities. On Wednesday 14th August a family nature event will take place with the Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust at Dalton & Gayles Village Hall from 10:00 to 12:00h and 13:30 to 15:30h (two sessions). Find out more about the wildlife living in our streams, join a wellie walk, discover freshwater creatures and enjoy some craft activities. £5 donation per family. Booking is required. Please email: wildwhashton@gmail.com. The HNN Autumn programme of talks and activities will recommence from September with talks on hedgerows, hedgehogs and fungi.
For further information and updates please visit: Holmedale Nature Network | My Site (whashtonparish.co.uk)and don’t forget that we also have a Facebook page…. www.facebook.com/whashtonwildlife ….which is designed to share and appreciate the wonderful diversity of wildlife in our Parish. Further details are also available from Lizzie at wildwhashton@gmail.com
4. Planning Applications
A number of proposed developments in Whashton are at various stages, including Whashton Farmhouse, Whashton Farm Buildings, Rose Cottage and Cherry Tree Cottage. Further information is
available on North Yorkshire Council's Planning Portal……. www.northyorks.gov.uk/planning-and-conservation/view-and-comment-planning-applications
Whashton Parish Meeting Committee continues to seek assurance from the Planning Department and Highways North Yorkshire that Construction Management Plans for the proposed developments will be coordinated to minimise disruption.
5. Whashton Parish Meeting AGM
The Annual General Meeting was held in Dalton & Gayles Village Hall on 21st May and 16 residents attended. The key topics presented and discussed included the annual financial report, crime report presented by PCSO Elliot Brown, planning applications, highways, social events and biodiversity projects. Minutes of the AGM can be found on our website…. www.whashtonparish.co.uk/agendas-and-minutes
There remains a vacancy for a Parish Clerk and I would urge someone to take up this important role.
6. Thanks for Support
There are many residents who contribute to our community, and forgive me if I miss someone, but the following folks should receive our thanks.
The grass cutting continues throughout the Summer and many thanks to our band of volunteers including Rob Clipsham, John Moore, Trevor Brown, Jonathan Nesham, Norman Wade & everyone else involved in keeping the Village looking pristine. Many thanks go to Ady Mac for cutting the grass verge and the hedgerow approach into the Village. Not forgetting the great work that Sally, Lizzie, Janet, Tad, John and others undertake on a regular basis planting and maintaining the flowers, shrubs and trees across the Parish.
The Website is available to all residents on www.whashtonparish.co.uk and we’re very grateful to Rachel Stirr and Sally Zaranko for maintaining this on behalf of the Parish.
Ian Mains
Chair, Whashton Parish Meeting
2nd August 2024
T: 07484-725377