Hello and welcome to the Autumn & Winter Newsletter for Whashton Parish. Hopefully you’ll find this latest Newsletter an interesting read, and please do send any feedback on the contents and suggestions for future issues. Having come through one of the wettest Autumns on record, we now enter the cold & snowy spell so do keep warm and take care when driving, walking, running, riding, etc.
1. 100 Club
The winners of the December draw are as follows :
1st Prize of £25 – No. 41: Rachel & Peter Waterhouse
2nd Prize of £10 – No. 80: Graham & Hazel Dickinson
3rd Prize of £10 – No. 91: Alan & Jenn Cowie
A reminder that the renewal subscriptions for 2024 are now due and need to be in before the end of December, ready for the January draw.
Payment can be made by BACS direct to the village bank account:
Whashton Parish Meeting
Sort code…….20-25-29
Account number …….. 10141038
When you are making your remittance, please confirm your name and the numbers that you wish to register on the transfer reference so that John can identify the ‘who and what’. Should you wish to pay by cash, if you could inform Richard on rg.osborne777@gmail.com and he will contact you for collection. Alternatively, cash can be dropped off with John Moore at Moss Cottage.
2023 winners:
January: 52 Matthew & Rachel Lawson, 25 Emma Smith, 46 Dirk Pittaway.
February: 57 Stephen Braithwaite, 27 Adi Mac, 80 Graham and Hazel Dickinson.
March: 52 Matthew & Rachel Lawson, 57 Steven Braithwaite, 20 Theresa Brown.
April: 71 Emma Smith, 50 Alison Pittaway, 36 Sue Amery.
May: 22 Cherry Mains, 67 Steven Waite, 45 Michael Guy.
June: 62 David & Jane Turnbull, 74 Sian Moore, 94 Theresa Brown.
July: 80 Graham & Hazel Dickinson, 6 Jenny Bernard, 35 David & Jane Turnbull.
August: 6 Jenny Bernard, 16 Richard Osborne, 97 Brian & Rachel Lawson.
September: 14 Catherine Brenkley, 74 - Sian Moore, 32 Avril Clark.
October: 32 Avril Clerk, 50 Robbie MacDonald, 85 Hazel Leah.
November: 19 Andy Kerr, 13 Heather Hutchinson, 4 Len Hutchinson.
December: 41 Rachel & Peter Waterhouse, 80 Graham & Hazel Dickinson, 91 Alan & Jenny Cowie.
Thank you to everyone who supported the draw this year, well done to all the winners, and good luck to all those who weren’t for 2024! Don’t forget, anyone wishing to join the 100 Club this year contact Richard. Thanks of course to Richard for his excellent administration of the 100 Club.
2. Grass Cutting – Voluntary Contributions
You may recall that at public meetings held in late 2021 to consider the finances of the Parish for 2022/23 it was agreed that no Precept be raised and, in its place, the so called ‘core activities’ would in future be funded by the net proceeds of a 100 Club. This has proved to be a successful fund raiser and will continue into 2024 as mentioned above.
However, these ‘core activities’ do not include the costs of maintenance and fuel for the mowers & strimmers used to cut the grass on the Village Green. It was therefore agreed that voluntary contributions be sought from residents and a sum of £230 was raised in 2022 with over 20 households choosing to contribute. This fund has met the costs incurred through the 2022 and 2023 growing seasons but are now exhausted. Since a further call for such contributions was made in October, £130 has been donated – many thanks to all who have kindly donated so far. However, could we ask for others to contribute if possible. If you are willing to contribute cash, this can be left with the Treasurer, John Moore, at Moss Cottage, or via the BACS system detailed above.
3. Biodiversity Projects
Lizzie has kindly provided an update on the Holmedale Community Nature Project:
There was a good turn-out of 28 residents at the meeting on the 20th November and a few more residents have stepped forward to help out. Thank you to everyone that came along and took part.
For us to apply for funding for the project we are in the process of establishing a constitution. In the interim we plan to go ahead with running some talks and events next year asking for a small donation to cover venue hire and refreshments.
Upcoming events open to all:
Healthy Rivers Talk by Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust- Monday 22nd January 7:30-8:30pm at Dalton and Gayles Village Hall. Minimum donation £2 to cover refreshments and venue hire. No booking required.
Freshwater Naturalness Assessment training day (citizen science project) by Freshwater Biological Association- Tuesday 30th January 10:00-15:30 at Ravensworth Village Hall. Minimum donation £5 to cover light refreshments and venue hire. Please bring your own lunch. Booking required. To book please email wildwhashton@gmail.com
Bird conservation Talk- An evening in February date TBC. Newsham Village Hall
Bird nest boxing making workshop- February date and venue TBC
Gardening for pollinators Talk- March TBC. Barningham Village Hall
Seed propagation workshop- March TBC. Barningham Village Hall
For further information and updates please visit: Holmedale Community Nature Project | My Site (whashtonparish.co.uk) and don’t forget that we also have a Facebook page…. www.facebook.com/whashtonwildlife ….which is designed to share and appreciate the wonderful diversity of wildlife in our Parish. Further details are also available from Lizzie at wildwhashton@gmail.com
4. Planning Applications
A number of proposed developments in Whashton are at various stages, including Whashton Farmhouse, Whashton Farm Buildings, Rose Cottage and Cherry Tree Cottage. Further information is available on North Yorkshire Council's Planning Portal……. www.northyorks.gov.uk/planning-and-conservation/view-and-comment-planning-applications
5. Events
Rob Clipsham, together with others, has kindly offered to coordinate the following social events in 2024, which we hope you can all attend:
· February 24th – Safari Supper – Rob, Hazel Leah and Jane Ratcliffe to organise.
· May 4th – Quiz – Rob to organise with Alan Cowie.
· July 6th – Kathryn Guy and Hazel Leah to organise.
6. Parish Meeting Dates
The latest Whashton Parish Meeting was held on 4th October, and since there remained a vacancy for a Parish Clerk, it was agreed that no meetings would be scheduled for 2024, unless major planning issue arose which required this. However, in the interest of maintaining open communications on Parish matters, I’m prepared to schedule a Parish Meeting early in 2024 – PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT THIS TO GO AHEAD, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
7. Parish Clerk Vacancy
Whashton Parish Meeting has no Clerk and this should be of concern to all residents, since without that role being filled there is a risk that important matters such as planning applications, highways matters, liaison with North Yorkshire Council, etc could be significantly impacted. This affects all residents.
Please contact me if you are in interested in this very worthwhile role……YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU!!
8. Thanks for Support
There are many residents who contribute to our community, and forgive me if I miss someone, but the following folks should receive our thanks this month.
The Website is available to all residents on www.whashtonparish.co.uk and we’re very grateful to Rachel Stirr and Sally Zaranko for maintaining this on behalf of the Parish.
Thanks to Ed Ford for clearing the leaves at the bottom of Bobby’s Bank, thereby allowing the flood to drain away, and to Sue Amery for mole hunting on the Village Green.
Grass cutting has finished for this season, but many thanks to Rob Clipsham, John Moore, Trevor Brown, Jonathan Nesham, Norman Wade & everyone else involved in keeping the Village looking pristine. Many thanks to Ady Mac for cutting the grass verge and the hedgerow approach into the Village.
With the festive season soon to be upon us, may I wish you, your family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy & successful year in 2024!
Ian Mains
Chair, Whashton Parish Meeting
1st December 2023
T: 07484-725377
